Bath Salts Usage and Benefits

Usage for a relaxing bath:

  • Dissolve 250 g of Bath Salts in your bathtub with running hot water and then adjust the water temperature to your comfort.
  • Relax in your tub for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Recommended twice a week for best results and maximum benefits.

Use for Skin Problems:

1) Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of Mineral Salt in 50 ml of warm water.
Soak a piece of cotton in the solution, and rub the affected areas of skin.

  • Leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Recommended 2-3 times a day until the skin ailment disappears.

2) Pour a warm, not hot, water bath. Dissolve about 250 g of Dead Sea salt into the bath before you soak in.
Soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Soaking too long can make dry skin worse. Too much hot water can also irritate and dry out your skin.
Gently wash your skin with lukewarm water.
To speed up your skin’s recovery, bathe in a Dead Sea Salt warm bath 2-3 times a week.

Use for Cosmetic benefits:

As a facial scrub:

Dissolve a handful of Dead Sea Salt into a bowl of warm water, and gently rub the salt against the skin of your face to remove dirt, oils, and dead skin to leave it feeling smooth and rejuvenated.

As a foot scrub:

Do the same for your feet! Add a handful of salt to a foot bath for a relaxing foot soak. Use the grains to scrub away dirt and dead skin for fresh, smooth feet.
In the shower – Keep a jar of Dead Sea Salt handy in your shower to use as an invigorating body scrub. Gently massage your neck, shoulders, arms, and legs and rinse.

As a facial toner:

Salt water acts as a facial toner and is often used to shrink pores, remove oil from the skin, making your skin feel smooth and refreshed. Every time you wash your face and before you apply your daily makeup, spritz your face with a saltwater mix to keep your skin oil-free all day long.

Make a small batch of the solution, you can use one cup of water with a teaspoon of salt and stir until completely dissolved.

Medical and Cosmetic benefits:

Benefits of Dead Sea salt for your skin:

  • A natural exfoliator: The gentle, yet abrasive texture of the Dead Sea Salt makes it an excellent exfoliator, which combined with its high sodium content, helps slough off dead skin cells and flakes, leaving you with fresh, revitalized skin.
  • Replenishes skin moisture: Minerals like calcium, zinc, and potassium work to promote moisture retention, helping your skin stay soft, plump, and hydrated.
  • Purifies your pores: Dead Sea Salt has wonderful antifungal, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties that help cleanse and detoxify the pores by driving out oil, dirt, and other impurities. This helps to eliminate acne, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.
  • Helps calm skin allergies, eczema, and psoriasis: A soothing bath in Dead Sea salt water can work wonders for skin allergies and conditions. The rich minerals work to exfoliate dead skin, help calm inflammations, and fight off allergens and microbes.
  • Helps fight off pro-aging free radicals: Many of the minerals in Dead Sea Salt fight off oxidation of the skill cells by eliminating free radicals, helping your skin look younger and more vibrant. Its fibroblast-protective and hydrating properties also help keep skin looking plump and refreshed.
  • Soothes sore joints and muscles: A long, warm soak in Dead Sea salt water is a brilliant way to relax, unwind, and soothe those aching joints and muscles. Bromide helps ease muscle cramps, while the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying agents help reduce joint swelling, soreness, and stiffness.
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