Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite is a kind of fat tissue in the subcutaneous layer of the skin that contains constricting bands of connective tissue. This connective tissue, which varies in thickness and is laced with fat cells, is held in place by a network of fibers that protects our body, cushioning our muscles and organs. It is surrounded by a liquid that both nourishes it and provides it with an effective waste system. When all is working well in the system, waste products are removed and smooth curves result. However, when fats, fluids and toxins are trapped deep in the skin (below the epidural layer), the connective tissue thickens and hardens, giving a dimpled effect. As we mature, the skin layer thins, resulting in the rippled appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is not necessarily caused by excess weight. You don’t have to be heavy to have cellulite.
As for cellulite, we recommend the usage of Anti-Cellulite Soap since it helps in reducing fat accumulations, and it absorbs the water and poison accumulations under your skin. Also it increases the strength of blood vessels.

The products to use are:


Regular use for fat areas.

1) Clean your body using Shower Gel or using Soaps ( Salt or Mud) for effective cleansing.

2) Massage the Anti-Cellulite soap foam on the fatty area in circular motion, 30 rounds clockwise and 30 rounds anti-clockwise.

3) Apply Dead Sea Mud on the fatty areas. Leave it for 20-30 mins , then wash off with lukewarm water.
Massaging Dead Sea Mud on the areas with cellulite stimulates the blood circulation and cleanses toxins out through your pores. This helps flatten out the cottage-cheese bumps caused by cellulite.
And, by regular use, this helps improve the appearance of your skin and reduces the appearance of Cellulite . It is recommended to use it 2-3 times a week for best results.

4) After cleansing your skin , apply the papaya Body cream on your body and massage gently until fully absorbed.
Our Body Cream enriched with shea butter that is rich in vitamin A, which makes it an effective treatment for cellulite. The vitamin A content repairs and reconstructs damaged collagen fibers responsible for making the skin plum and smooth, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Also, shea butter is rich in an acid called cinnamic. Cinnamic acid helps with proper blood flow to the skin. When shea butter is applied to the skin and gently massaged to sink in, a nourishing flow of blood is encouraged, thereby moving along stationary cellulite causing lymph – cinnamic acid helps blood flow properly to the cellulite affected area of the skin.

For best results use Beresheet Anti-Cellulite Soap for three months.
We’re moving to a new logistics center.
 The products will be available for purchase soon.
 For wholesale purchases, please get
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with us by email Info@beresheetdeadsea.com
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