Eczema Treatment

Topic dermatitis, commonly referred to as eczema, is a chronic skin disorder categorized by scaly and itching rashes. People with eczema often have a family history of allergic conditions like asthma, hay fever, or eczema.

The products to use are:


1) Clean your face with Dead Sea Mineral Salt Soap or Dead Sea Mud Soap.
Leave the foam on the affected areas for 2-3 Minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.

2) After cleansing, apply a Mud Mask once a day to the affected areas, avoiding the eyes area. Leave the mud for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water.

3) In addition, on a regular basis use Natural Dead Sea Salt (the white one which is 100% natural). Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of Mineral Salt in 50 ml of warm water, and with a piece of cotton rub the affected areas of skin imbued with this solution. Leave for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water (avoid using hot water).

4) For daytime cleansing, apply Beresheet Day Cream once, and for a more moisturizing effect add Beresheet Essential hydration Cream often as you need.

For evening treatment, after cleansing your face apply the Beresheet Night Cream.


First Week:

1) Clean affected areas with Shower Gel. Its foam should be left on the affected areas for 2–3 minutes and then washed with lukewarm water (avoid using hot water).

2) On a regular basis use Dead Sea Salt (the white one which is 100% natural).
Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of Mineral Salt in 50ml of warm water, and with a piece of cotton rub the affected areas of skin imbued with this solution. Leave for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water (avoid using hot water).

If the solution is used at night, it is advisable to leave it until the next morning, and then rinse it with lukewarm water (avoid using hot water).

Recommended 2-3 times a day.

3) Apply a Beresheet Mud Mask once a day avoiding the eyes area. Leave the mud for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water (avoid using hot water).

4) It is highly recommended to use Beresheet Essential hydration Cream after removing the Mud Mask, to moisture the skin, and for added comfort.

Use Essential hydration Cream 3–4 times a day on the affected areas. You can use Hand Cream for hand eczema, and it should be used after every hand washing and at bedtime. Also, you can use Foot Cream for feet eczema 3–4 times a day.


Repeat the same steps as the first week but use Beresheet (Natural) Dead Sea Salt once a day only.


Repeat the same steps as the second week, but day after day using the beresheet
Essential hydration Cream on daily basis. Until the skin ailment disappears.

Additional Advice:
  • Pour a warm, not hot, water bath. Dissolve about 250 g of Dead Sea Salt into the bath before you soak.
  • Soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Soaking too long can make dry skin worse. Hot water can also irritate and dry out the skin. Gently wash your skin, with lukewarm water.
  • Use a towel to pat dry, not rub, your skin. This may leave your skin slightly damp.
  • Apply Essential hydration Cream over your body within 3 minutes of getting out of your bath.
  • For Best Results, Bath in Dead Sea Salt 2-3 times a week.
  • Give your skin several more minutes to fully absorb the medications and moisturizer before getting dressed.
  • If you find the Dead Sea salt bath helpful, you can consider using it daily while symptoms are more severe.
  • When symptoms are less problematic, you may not need the salt bath, but
    keep up with moisturizing to prevent dry skin. Dry skin can make eczema flares more severe.
  • Bathing at night might also be easier for you so you aren’t rushing your routine. That can also, for better results, help your skin retain moisture while you sleep.
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