Rheumatism & Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is a disease that involves the inflammation of one or more joints. (“Arthr” refers to joints
and “itis” to inflammation).

The products to use are:


1) Wash affected areas with warm water using Salt Soap/Mud Soap.2) Apply Mud Mask on the affected area and leave it for 30 minutes; then rinse with lukewarm water.

3) Prepare your bathtub with hot water and dissolve 250 g of Bath Salt in the tub; then adjust the water temperature to your comfort.

4) Relax in your bathtub for 30 – 45 minutes, and then wash your body only with lukewarm water.

5) Finally, after drying up your skin with a cotton towel, use Body Lotion/or Essential hydration Cream and keep yourself warm for another 60 minutes.

6) For Best Results. Bath in Dead Sea Salt 2-3 times a week.

We’re moving to a new logistics center.
 The products will be available for purchase soon.
 For wholesale purchases, please get
 in touch
with us by email Info@beresheetdeadsea.com
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